For Software Engineers, Coders, and Techies

Transform your body in just 9 weeks without disrupting your busy dev work

1:1 Fitness Coaching tailor-made for busy Software Engineers

Easy-to-do, flexible workouts + diet plans that take just 30 minutes per day

  • No strict workout schedules

  • No long hours of boring workouts

  • No starving yourself unsustainably

Start Your Journey Today 👇

Money-Back Guarantee if you try the program for 4 weeks and don’t see results or are unsatisfied - if you actually follow the program

"Efficient and Effective"

"I've lost 25 pounds in 6 months. And I have to say that is all thanks to Dan's coaching and his workouts. I have a busy schedule without a lot of time to spend in the gym, but I am in and out in 45 minutes flat now while building muscle and torching fat. And Dan keeps me accountable. Thanks, Dan."

- Evan Rally, Digital Entrepreneur

Danny Lim, the founder of the Engineer Your Body Bootcamp and The Agile Body Initiative



Pull an Evan and Start Your Transformation 👇

The Sedentary Dev Lifestyle 💻

Software Engineering is one of the most rewarding but demanding careers out there. The workload can get extremely stressful. I know, because I'm a Dev.

We have trouble with:

  • 👨💻 Long hours sitting down coding

  • ⌛💪 Not enough time to be physically active

  • ⌛🥗 Not enough time to cook healthy food

  • 😪🥱 Irregular sleep because of work deadlines and stress

  • 💢🤕 Back, neck, and eye pain from working at a computer

  • 🍫🍕 Unhealthy snacking due to stress and free office food

  • 🗣️❓ Social anxiety from thinking about work too much

Take charge of your health right now 👇

It may seem okay in the short-term, but if prolonged, this can cause some serious problems:

  • 🫀 Cardiovascular disease

  • ⏲️ Obesity

  • 💉 Diabetes

  • 🦴 Musculoskeletal disorders

  • 🧠 Mental health issues

  • 🥱 Poor sleep quality

  • 👁️ Eye strain and vision problems

  • 🤒 Increased risk of cancers

  • 😶 Social isolation

  • 💔 Trouble with relationships and dating

If this describes you, it doesn't have to look this way.

You can do something about it 👇

I did something about it.

How I did it:
From naturally fat to maintaining a 6-pack year-round while working as a Senior Dev

Danny's transformation from being naturally fat to maintaining a 6-pack year-round while working as a Software Engineer

Hi 👋, I'm Dan.I was always naturally fat since I was a kid. I guess I just have bad genetics.One day, when I was working full-time at my first Dev job, I looked down and noticed I was borderline obese.How did this happen?I felt I simply didn't have time with my new engineering job.I also didn't have a regular sleep schedule because of weekend releases, aggressive sprints, and critical bug fixes...I tried doing the fad diets: vegetarian, keto, OMAD, and fasting.Nothing seemed to work. I felt stuck...

Does this sound like you?
Get unstuck today 👇

Then one day, it all came together.What held me back was trying to implement cookie-cutter fitness advice and programs...But what I really needed was a personalized system catered around my busy Software Engineering work schedule.I took a deep dive into hormones, anatomy, nutrition, and exercise, and I discovered principles that actually worked.I got in shape AND maintained it for the past 5 years while performing at a high level with my engineering work.Now, I'm ready to share these principles with fellow devs to help them improve their health.

Use My Knowledge and Principles 👇

You need a personalized system that caters around your unique work schedule

Thanks to the new personal system I developed, I took control of my fitness and health.👉 My fatigue? Gone.👉 My brain fog? Cleared.👉 My self-consciousness? Replaced with oozing self confidence.Even my mental performance improved. Getting in shape made me a better engineer.My entire life improved since I started taking care of my body.

Today as a Senior Developer, I:

  • 🧘🏻 Have good posture

  • 💪 Sit at less than 10% body fat year-round

  • ⚖️ Have a BMI of ~23 year-round

  • 🫀 Have a resting heart rate of 62 BPM

  • 🥊 Am a part-time Muay Thai fighter

Enroll Now, Change Forever 👇

To Expect Different Outputs, You Need to Change the Inputs

   if (changeSystems) {
   } else {
       // stay the same

Try those new inputs today 👇

An Agile Approach

If you've tried to get fit in the past and failed, I bet it's because you didn't set clear enough goals.Too often, we set lofty, unreachable goals and fall short. This leads to cycles of discouragement and ultimately giving up...That's why I like to approach fitness just like sprints in software development.Set long-term goals and break them down into smaller chunks.

Agile approach of fitness where we break down long-term goals into manageable fitness sprints

Start your Fitness Sprint Planning today 👇

My program works the same way.We'll set your goals for the whole program and plan smaller 2-week Sprints.In each sprint, we'll:
🎯 Set short-term goals
💪 Execute the goals we set
👋 Do daily video check-ins
🔎 Review how it went
📝 Revisit the long-term goals
This way, we'll build confidence in your ability to execute your fitness routine and track progress incrementally.

Let's build some momentum 👇

Example Workout 💻 💪

Here's an example workout I use when my clients are super busy with work. Basically, I tell them to break their daily workout reps into small sets they can do during the work day. It saves time and guarantees you hit you stay consistent.

Get started on your own consistency 👇

My Program Excludes:

  • One-size-fits all plans

  • Rigorous, inflexible schedules

  • Unrealistic goals

  • "Gym bro" culture

  • Fat shaming

  • Fad diets that are unsustainable

  • Hours of boring exercises

  • Gym membership

  • Starving yourself

Let's set some realistic goals 👇

Things I Never Say:

  • “Just try harder”

  • “Stop being lazy”

  • "Just eat less"

What do all of those 👆 have in common?

They aren’t sustainable. They don’t work.

Want to learn how to sustainably stay fit year-round?
Click below 👇

What You'll Get

  • 🙋 A Personalized Fitness Plan based on your lifestyle and preferences

  • ⏰ Time-efficient workouts that you can crank out in 20-30 minutes (for all fitness levels)

  • 🍽️ Easy-to-cook, ready-to-eat meal plans for all diets and busy schedules

  • ☎️ Direct 1:1 coaching calls with me

  • 🔄 4.5 Customized 2-Week Fitness Sprints to track progress

  • 🎯 Goal-setting worksheets that you can use beyond the program

  • 👥 Lifetime access to v2.0 Body Community (an online community of like-minded devs with the same goal of being fit)

  • 📚 Lifetime access to courses and resources (easy-to-learn methods, tools, and strategies for sustained health)

Get access today 👇

Guaranteed Results if you:

  • Apply your personalized fitness plan (actually follow through)

  • Send a check-in video to me once / day

  • Attend our weekly 1:1 calls (don’t skip these)

  • If 9 weeks isn’t enough to see results, you’ll get 4 more weeks for free

  • I’ll keep working with you until staying fit becomes a subconscious habit

What This Program Does For You:

  • ❌ It can’t exercise for you…

  • ✅ but it makes it much easier to be consistent with your workouts.

  • ❌ It can’t eat healthy for you…

  • ✅ but it teaches you what foods are great for your body and mind.

  • ❌ It can’t build muscle for you…

  • ✅ but it teaches you the most efficient ways to build healthy muscle.

  • ❌ It can’t improve your health for you...

  • ✅ but it will give you everything you need to improve your health for the long term.

Start working with me and let's get hacking on your health 👇


Take Your First Step Today

Invest in your health and elevate your fitness game with Your v2.0 Body — a 9-week fitness program designed specifically for Software Engineers

  • 👥 Limited enrollments: I prefer quality over quantity so will only work with 10 clients at a time

  • 📜 Enroll before July 1 and get a free copy of the 7-Day Fitness Kickstart Guide for Devs 📄

  • ⏰ The first 10 participants to enroll will receive 2 extra free weeks of coaching

  • Try the program for 4 weeks. If you stuck with it and you're not satisfied for any reason, I offer a full refund, no questions asked

  • If you complete the entire program and diligently follow the guidelines but don't reach your fitness goals, I'll continue working with you 1:1 for an additional month at no extra cost

Who I Am

I'm Dan 👋, a Senior Frontend Developer and Product Manager. I've been a Software Engineer for 7 years and have maintained an athlete's physique for the past 5 years.For dev work, I specialize in frontend development with React, Node.js, and Typescript.I'm not naturally fit, I have poor genetics. But I found principles that work for my clients, friends, and myself. Now I'm sharing these principles with fellow devs.

Danny Lim, the founder of the Engineer Your Body Bootcamp and The Agile Body Initiative

I'm a real person, not an online sales bot 😆 👇

Work with me and let's get you in the best shape of your life 👇


Is 30 minutes a day really enough?

My workouts are designed to be efficient as possible. I personally smash out my workouts in less than 45 minutes and I push way past the bare minimum. The meals are meant to be prepped once / week so you won't spend time cooking during the week.

I'm a total beginner to exercise. Will this still work for me?

My workouts can be applied to all levels. Whether you're a total beginner or a seasoned athlete, I've created variations to fit your level.

I don't have a gym membership. Do I need one?

All exercises can be modified to use no equipment at home. If you have a gym membership, I can help you use that as well, of course.

Why do I need coaching? Can't I get in shape by myself?

If you're in good shape by yourself, I commend you. But if you've tried before and failed, maybe the missing piece is an outside perspective. Consider it an investment in yourself.

Why is the program 9 weeks?

9 weeks is enough time to actually see the results of a fitness regimen but short enough to not overwhelm you. They say it takes 21 days to build a new habit. In reality, it takes 21 days to break old habits, 21 more days to build new ones, and an additional 21 to solidify the new habits. We cover that with 9 weeks exactly at a total of 63 days.

What's the cost of the program?

The program starts at $1,297. Weekly and monthly payment plans are also available.

Questions Answered? 👇

More FAQ

Does online coaching really work?

The principles I learned can be passed digitally and with the community accountability system, we'll make sure you get your workouts in as if we were there right with you.

What qualifications do you have?

On paper, I don't have any certifications. Modern day coaching certifications are obtained through easy multiple choice tests. With the principles I've learned, I've helped myself and friends around me get in the best shape of their lives - real, tangible results.

I like my routine and I don't want to change it.

If you like your routine AND you like how you look and feel, then I'm happy for you. But if you want aren't happy with your fitness, then your current routine isn't working. Let's change that.

I tried getting in shape before and it didn't work. Why is this any different?

I'm not exactly sure what you tried in the past but I'm gonna guess it wasn't catered specifically to you, an engineer. Leveraging the principles of fitness that I learned and my experience as an engineer myself, I can build a 1-of-1 program just for you.

If you still have questions, I can answer on a call 👇

Dietary FAQ

I'm a Vegan. Will your program still work for me?

All of the nutrients in my meal plans can be found in fully plant-based sources. No animal products necessary.

I'm a Vegetarian. Will your program still work for me?

Like mentioned above, all of the key nutrients in my meal plans can be found in fully plant-based sources. We'll just add a bit of dairy, eggs, and honey 😄

I'm a Carnivore. Will your program still work for me?

My meal plans are protein-heavy, so they complement a carnivore diet fairly well. I'll even recommend animal products that will get you the fiber and other nutrients you may currently be missing.

I'm a Foodie. Will your program still work for me?

If by "foodie", you mean you only eat donuts, then no I can't help you. But my meal plans involve flexibility, so they won't restrict you from eating out with your friends once a week if that works for you. I personally have a fairly flexible diet.

Questions Answered? 👇

Still have questions?
Leave a message 👇 and I'll get back to you

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